West Virginia Wesleyan College was the first school in the state of West Virginia to offer ESPORTS at a varsity level with athletic scholarships established for prospective recruits. Since 2018, we have grown the roster to 30 total competitors. We offer competitive ESPORTS scholarships in a variety of titles and are recruiting competitors now!
In 2018 Wesleyan Established its Arena on the first floor of the English Annex building. Growth of the roster and interest from local high school programs had lead to the development of a new arena space that will open in the spring of 2023 on the first floor of Benedum Hall! This state-of-the-art space will include a competition stage, 20+ stations, and Dell Alienware technology throughout. It will also allow for spectators, streaming and production, and coaching within the space.
Scholarships range from $1000-$6,000 yearly and combine with WVWC’s generous Scholarships & Grants.
We are currently recruiting for League of Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, and Apex Legends. We are also seeking competitors for individual titles.

2022-2023 Roster
Gavin Allman
Gamer Tag: meep1304, OH D33R (League)
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: League of Legends
Billy Butcher
Gamer Tag: BillyyBoi
Ellenboro, WV
Competition Titles: League of Legends (Past: Valorant)
Stanley Ciciora
Gamer Tag: Stanlel
Lewisburg, WV
Competition Titles: Fortnite, COD, World of Tanks
Jacob Dawson
Gamer Tag: cornboto
Martinsburg, WV
Competition Titles: Rocket League
Isaiah Dean
Gamer Tag: Autolatry/Isaiah
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: Rainbow 6 Siege/Valorant
Tucker Denning
Gamer Tag: TuckMan321
Huntington WV
Competition Titles: Valorant
Thomas Flannery
Gamer Tag: Ruins
Charleston, WV
Competition Titles: Team Fortress 2, Valorant, and Overwatch
Nathaniel Friend
Gamer Tag: CountVandalia
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: Heartstone
Kyan Gillespie
Gamer Tag: KyanDrake
Webster Springs, WV
Competition Titles: NACE, CCA, CR6
Tate Glover
Gamer Tag: FireTruck.WVWC
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: Rainbow Six: Siege
Logan Kramer
Gamer Tag: glo.seeko
Martinsburg, WV
Competition Titles: Rainbow 6 Siege, Rocket League, and Fortnite currently but I’d like to get into cs:go
Kosei Nakamura
Gamer Tag: suger
Competition Titles: Valorant
Masashi Nakatani
Gamer Tag: Brok3nMyth
Wakayama, Japan
Competition Titles: Apex Legends
Gage Poling
Gamer Tag: 4orKe
Moatsville, WV
Competition Titles: VALORANT, League of Legends
Trenton Richards
Gamer Tag: Twenton
Pennsboro, WV
Competition Titles: League of Legends
Landon Riffle
Gamer Tag: Dr. Rifle
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: Marvel Snap, Valorant, Fortnite
Nathaniel Russell
Gamer Tag: Ghost
Buckhannon, WV
Competition Titles: Call of Duty
Akiko Sato
Gamer Tag: NA
Tokyo, Japan
Competition Titles: Apex legends
Stephen Stuart
Gamer Tag: Stewl3
Charleston, WV
Competition Titles: Rainbow six siege
Loren Vargas
Gamer Tag: Lenita Gringa
Naples, FL
Competition Titles: League of legends
Josh White
Gamer Tag: Silverwolfjk
St. Albans, WV
Competition Titles: COD and Valorant
Jacon Williamson
Gamer Tag: Salabast
New Milton, WV
Competition Titles: Valorant
Hope Wyatt
Gamer Tag: Faithhearthope
St Albans, WV
Competition Titles: League of Legends
News and Links
WVWC Becomes First WV School to Offer Collegiate Esports
WVWC Unveils First Esports Arena
Nathaniel Russel of Buckhannon Signs With WVWC
Logan Kramer of Martinsburg Signs with WVWC
Matthew Patterson Signs With WVWC, First Ravenswood HS Collegiate Esports Athletee
WVWC Esports Coach Ethan Hayes Presents at Full Sail University
Coach and Contact
Ethan Hayes, Esports Coach