Academic Forms
Application for Credit Transfer
Wesleyan students who wish to complete work towards a Wesleyan degree at another institution must submit a completed Application for Credit Transfer form and receive approval for specific courses prior to enrolling in them. This step ensures that upon successful completion they will be accepted by the College and satisfy intended degree requirements.
Application for Degree
At least 12 months prior to anticipated completion of degree requirements, each candidate for a degree is required to file an application for degree at the Office of the Registrar. Requirements still to be met may then be checked while there is time to make appropriate adjustments. A copy of the degree requirements is sent both to the student and the student’s academic advisor. A charge of $50 is made for failure to comply with this regulation. Such failure may also result in postponement of graduation.
Application for Individualized Instruction
This application packet of forms is necessary for any student pursuing an internship for credit.
Directed and Independent Study Form
Graduate Individualized Instruction/Internship Form
C-/F Course Repeat Application
A course in which the final grade is C- through F may be repeated at Wesleyan. Specific information regarding course repeats can be found in the academic catalog.
Course Enrollment Authorization Form
Students who wish to enroll in a course without the designated prerequisites or seeking permission to audit a course must obtain appropriate signatures and submit form to the Registrar’s Office prior to the end of the add/drop period.
Intent to Discontinue Studies Form
This form is for students who are not planning to return for the following term in which they are currently enrolled.
Major-Advisor Update Request
Students may request to declare or drop a major or minor and/or change advisor.
Pass/Fail Course Enrollment Form
A junior or senior student may choose to take one elective course each semester to be graded on a pass/fail basis with the approval of the instructor, advisor and Registrar. Pass/fail forms must be received and approved by the end of the add/drop period. Specific information regarding course repeats can be found in the academic catalog.
Petition Form
This form is to be used by students for requests of exceptions to academic policy and regulations due to extenuating circumstances. Carefully follow the instructions on the form and provide clear and concise statements, along with rationale, for the specific nature of the request. The completed form, with all required documentation and signatures, must be emailed to Once a decision is rendered by the Admission & Academic Standing Council, a notice will be sent to the student’s college email address.
Registration Class Change
For use by faculty and students in processing schedule change requests during registration.
Request for Legal Name Change
West Virginia Wesleyan College currently enrolled students may submit a request for a change to their legal name on institutional records (including transcript) by completing the Request for Legal Name Change form. (See page for more details).
Update Contact Information Form
To request an update to student contact information.
Verification Requests: Enrollment and Degree
Students who are required to submit verification of enrollment, degree, academic status or good standing to an outside agency such as an insurance company or for a outside scholarship can request a letter verifying the specific status.