Special Programs
Opportunities For Excellence
Wesleyan is a place that provides an abundance of opportunities for all students. We encourage our students to go outside of their comfort zones and study abroad for a semester. We also strive to challenge our academically gifted students through programs such as the Honors program and the Summer Gifted Program. Wesleyan is also proud to recognize its students who have worked well and excelled academically throughout the year.

Honor's Program
The Honors Program is offered to recognize and challenge the College’s most academically talented students. Participation is voluntary for all qualified students other than Wesleyan Scholars, who are required to complete the program.
Requirements for Admission to Honors Program
Entering Freshmen
High school cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and 1200 SAT score or 27 one-time ACT score. If you would like to join the Honors Program, please click here.Second-semester Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors
Cumulative college grade point average of 3.5 or above.Any student who has earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 may enroll in Honors classes, subject to meeting any prerequisites, after students in the program have been accommodated. A student must declare his or her intention to complete the Honors Program no later than the second semester of the sophomore year. To be eligible for participation in the program, including its co-curricular events, a student must maintain the following cumulative grade point average by the end of each academic year: freshman, 3.25; sophomore, 3.4; junior, 3.5. To graduate with an Honors Degree-e.g., Bachelor of Arts (Honors)-a student must complete the requirements below and achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above.
Requirements for Graduation with an Honors Degree
No more than two courses in a single subject area – e.g., ENG, HIST, SOC – may satisfy Honors Program requirements.
- Freshman sequence
- INDS 120, Introduction to the Humanities (Honors) 3 hrs.
- ENG 170, Contemporary Literature (Honors) 3 hrs.
- For general education, the requirement of Composition I and II is waived upon completion of this sequence, which also satisfies the Introduction to the Humanities and literature requirements.
- Sophomore, junior, and senior sequence
- Three 3-hr. Honors courses, OR
- Two 3 -hr. Honors courses AND a semester of study abroad, OR
- Two 3-hr. Honors courses AND completion of two college-level courses (6 hrs.) in a single foreign language.
- Two 1-hr. Honors Seminars (DIV 310) to be taken in the sophomore, junior, or senior year. No more than one Honors Seminar may be taken per year.
- A cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above.
- A total of 17 hours in honors courses.
- Each semester, Honors students will attend at least two events, sanctioned by the Director of the Honors Program, in order to remain in good standing in the Honors Program. The Director will monitor this requirement by students adhering to the honor system.
- Freshman sequence
A student working toward an Honors Degree may opt to substitute any Honors history course for a general education history survey course (HST 101, 102, 121, 122).
All Honors courses are special offerings conducted in seminar format.
President's List
Students who earned a 4.0 for the semester while completing at least 12 semester hours with no incomplete grades.
View The President's List
Dean's List
Students who have achieved a grade point average of 3.5 or above for the semester, while completing a load of at least 12 semester hours with no incomplete grades.
View The Dean's List

Wesleyan Abroad
Getting Started
There are many opportunities to enrich your life by experiencing the world through travel while studying at West Virginia Wesleyan College. From 3-4 week May term international travel courses to international exchange programs to compete for the prestigious Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Wesleyan offers a world of travel experiences for students eager to expand their view of the world.
Spring Break and May Term Study Abroad
Wesleyan will host three faculty-led study abroad programs during May Term. Dr. Bjorgo-Thorne will take students to the Peruvian Amazon for a hands-on study of the environment and culture. Dr. Clever will conduct an in-depth study of the Holocaust with a six day experience in Berlin. Dr. Coffman and Professor Poling will conduct a healthcare program in Florence, Paris, and Rome in May.
Over Spring Break, Professor Van Gundy will lead students from the Honors program on a cultural tour of Florence, Italy.
All Spring Break and May Term programs are eligible for academic credit and qualify for International Cultural Studies credit. Please contact the professor for details about each program.
Irish American Scholar Exchange
The Irish American Scholar Exchange is a competitive program offering selected WVWC students the opportunity to study in Ireland. By participating in the Irish American Scholar Exchange, students can spend either one semester or one academic year studying at one of six Irish institutions, including the University of Ulster, Queen’s University, and the Belfast Metropolitan College. A wide range of majors is represented by students who have studied at Irish Universities through this exchange, including: Biology, Computer Science, Sociology, Education, Graphic Design, English, Communication, Engineering, History, Religion, Government, and International Business. Studying abroad offers many opportunities outside of the classroom. Some students have performed service abroad, in which students travel during breaks and long weekends, and many return the next summer to travel with friends made there. These students all return with a strong sense of what it’s like to be global citizens.
Contact Tamara Bailey at bailey_t@wvwc.edu for more information.
Fulbright Scholarships
Students entering their Junior year can consider applying for the Fulbright US Student Program which they complete after graduation from West Virginia Wesleyan. The Fulbright program provides grants for individually-designed study or research projects or for English Teaching Assistant Programs around the world. Students submit a Statement of Grant Purpose defining the activities which they plan to participate in during one academic year in a participating country outside the United States. Grant lengths and dates vary by country.
Fulbright live with, work with, and learn from the people of their host nation and spend several months immersed in a culture outside of their own. Please see https://us.fulbrightonline.org/ for further details on the programs and potential host countries you can apply to as part of the Fulbright experience.
Professor Doug Van Gundy (vangundy_d@wvwc.edu) serves as Wesleyan’s Fulbright Campus Advisor and works with students on the application process. Students interested in pursuing a Fulbright grant enroll in a quarter-long course with Professor Van Gundy in the spring of their junior year and apply later during the fall of their senior year. All majors are able to participate in the Fulbright program and highly encouraged to speak with Professor Van Gundy for further information.
Make an AppointmentTo make an appointment to find out what study abroad opportunity is right for you, please contact Tamara Bailey: bailey_t@wvwc.edu